Journals subscribed by the library in 2022
  Title ISSN Print/online version Online access to the full texts* Provider of online access donation (D), acquisition (A), exchange (E)
1 Acta Comeniana (CZ) 0231-5955 print     D
2 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 0323-0562 print free access   D
3 Alpha omega (IT) 1126-8557 print free access   D
4 Analysis (GB) 0003-2638 print + online since 1996 OUP A
5 Archiwum historii filozofii i myœli społecznej (PL) 0066-6874 print free access   D
6 A Věda a výzkum (CZ) 2533-784X print free access   D
7 Bohemian reformation and religious practice (CZ) 1804-2546 print free access   D
8 Constellations (GB) 1351-0487 print + online since 2007 (except for 2009 and 2010) Wiley Online Library A
9 Critique (FR) 0011-1600 print     A
10 Český časopis historický (CZ) 0862-6111 print free access   A
11 Čtenář (CZ) 0011-2321 print part of the content is freely accessible   A
12 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (DE) 2192-1482 online since 1995 Gruyter A
13 Dějiny a současnost 0418-5129 print     A
14 Eirene (CZ) 0046-1628 print     D
15 European journal of philosophy (GB) 0966-8373 print + online since 2007 (except for 2009 and 2010) Wiley Online Library A
16 Filosofický časopis (CZ) 0015-1831 print free access   D
17 Filozofia (SK) 0046-385X print free access   E
18 Gender a výzkum (CZ) 2570-6578 print free access   D
19 Hegel-Studien (DE) 0073-1587 print     A
20 History and philosophy of logic (GB) 1464-5149 online since 1997 Taylor and Francis Online A
21 Information Philosophie (DE) 1434-5250 print     A
22 International philosophical bibliography/Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie (BE) 2033-6497 print     A
23 International philosophical quarterly (US) 0019-0365 print     A
24 Journal of philosophical logic (NL) 0022-3611 print + online current volume SpringerLink A
25 Journal of philosophy (US) 0022-362X print     A
26 Journal of political philosophy (DE) 0963-8016 print + online since 2007 (except for 2009 and 2010) Wiley Online Library A
27 Journal of the history of ideas (US) 0022-5037 print + online since 2014 Project Muse A
28 Journal of the history of philosophy (US) 0022-5053 print     A
29 Judaica Bohemiae (CZ) 0022-5738 print     D
30 Kant-Studien (DE) 0022-8877 print     D
31 Knihy a dějiny 1210-8510 print  free access   D
32 Kontradikce (CZ) 2570-7485 print part of the content is freely accessible   D
33 Listy filologické (CZ) 0024-4457 print part of the content is freely accessible   D
34 Logica yearbook (CZ) ISBN print     D
35 Mediaeval studies (CA) 0076-5872 print     A
36 Numismatický sborník 0546-9414 print free access   D
37 Organon F (SK) 1335-0668 print free access   D
38 Philosophica critica (SK) 1339-8970 print free access   D
39 Philosophical review (US) 0031-8108 online since 2000 Duke University Press A
40 Philosophisches Jahrbuch (DE) 0031-8183 print part of the content is freely accessible   A
41 Philosophy and phenomenological research (US) 1933-1592 online since 2001 Wiley Online Library A
42 Political theory (US) 0090-5917 print + online last 2 volumes Sage A
43 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (GB) 0066-7374 print + online since 1996 OUP A
44 Prostor (CZ) 0862-7045 print     A
45 Przeglšd filozoficzny. Nowa seria (PL) 1230-1493 print free access   D
46 Reflexe (CZ) 0862-6901 print free access   A
48 Revue philosophique de Louvain (BE) 0035-3841 print + online since 1990 Peeters Online Journals A
49 Revue thomiste (FR) 0035-4295 print     D
50 Sociální studia (CZ) 1214-813X print free access   D
51 Sociologický časopis (CZ) 0038-0288 print free access   D
52 Soudobé dějiny (CZ) 1210-7050 print free access   E
53 Souvislosti (CZ) 0862-6928 print part of the content is freely accessible   A
54 Studia Comeniana et historica (CZ) 0323-2220 print     A
55 Studia historica Brunensia (CZ) 1803-7429 print free access   D
56 Studia mediaevalia Bohemica (CZ) 1804-0977 print free access   D
57 Studia neoaristotelica (US)  1804-6843 online     A
58 Studia philosophica (CZ) 1803-7445 print free access   D
59 Studia socjologiczne (PL) 0039-3371 print free access   D
60 Studie o rukopisech (CZ) 0585-5691 print part of the content is freely accessible   D
61 Studies in East European thought (DE) 0925-9392 print + online current volume SpringerLink A
62 Teorie vědy (CZ) 1210-0250 print free access   D
63 Teorija in praksa (YU) 0040-3598 print free access   D
64 Theologická revue (CZ) 1211-7617 print free access   D
65 WZB Mitteilungen (DE) 0174-3120 print free access   D
* Access to the full texts is connected to the computer network of the Institute of Philosophy.
Daily and weekly newspapers  (only in print)
Title ISSN
A2 (CZ) 1803-6635
Deník N (CZ) 2571-1717
Právo (sobotní) 1211-2119
Respekt 0862-6545
Partial online access to selected volumes of previously subscribed journals
Název ISSN Online access*
British journal for the philosophy of science (GB) 0007-0882 2017-2019
Dialectica 0012-2017 2007-2008
Globalizations 1474-7731 2008-2013
Mind 0026-4423 1999-2013
Minerva 0026-4695 1997-2009
Noûs 0029-4624 2007-2012 (mimo 2009 a 2010)
Philosophical quarterly 0031-8094 2007-2008
Philosophy of science (US) 0031-8248 2017-2019
Rethinking Marxism  0893-5696 2010-2014
Science, Technology, & Human Values  0162-2439 2000-2012
Social Studies of Science  0306-3127 2000-2010
*  Access to the full texts is connected to the computer network of the Institute of Philosophy.
Selected previously subscribed journals that are now freely available online 
Selected previously subscribed journals that are now freely available online 
Acme 0001-494X
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Interpretationes 1804-624X
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica 0323-0619
Aither 1803-7860
Akta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni 2336-6346
Annales de phénomenologie 2609-9152
Auspicia 2464-7217
Central European journal for contemporary religion 2533-7955
Communication today 1338-130X
Convivium 0010-8235
Časopis pro moderní filologii 0008-7386
Česká literatura 0009-0468
Daedalus 0011-5266
Estetika 0014-1291
Etyka 0014-2263
European journal of analytic philosophy 1845-8475
Filozofia i nauka 2300-4711
Filozofski vestnik 0353-4510
Folia historica Bohemica 0231-7494
Fórum sociální práce 1804-3070
Historická demografie 0323-0937
Kosmas 1056-005X
Kritika a kontext  1335-1710
Logic and logical philosophy 1425-3305
Mediaevalia historica Bohemica 0862-979X
Odrodzenie i reformacja w Polsce 0029-8514
Ostium 1339-942X
Politická ekonomie 0032-3233
Problemos 1392-1126
Reports on mathematical logic 0137-2904
Revista de filosofia 0034-8236
Ruch filozoficzny  0035-9599
Slovo a smysl 1214-7915
Studia politica Slovaca 1337-8163
Synthesis philosophica 0352-7875
Universitas: magazín vysokých škol 1212-8139